Monday, June 27, 2011

Thought for the Day...

"When we pray, God always answers - only He answers in His time not ours. While we wait, we might get impatient and find shortcuts to getting what we want. Be careful not to take shortcuts that can hurt others, ourselves, or our relationship with Him." I hope you have an amazing day today! – Elmer Laydon (The Whisper of God)

Coincidence? Just yesterday, my Pastor's sermon was James 5:7-11 "What to do in the meantime."

James 5:7-11 teaches three disciplines to practice when you are forced to spend time in God’s waiting room: 1. Be patient (5:7-8).
2. Do not grumble (5:9).
3. Follow godly examples (5:10-11).


  1. Great post, Lois! I love the book of James. Have a wonderful day!


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